

Please Support Blissfest Music Organization BUILD COMMUNITY THROUGH MUSIC!

Help keep folk and roots music alive through community events, the annual festival, and year-round concerts!

This year, we are fortunate that friends of Blissfest Music Organization, the Ida and Benjamin Alpert Foundation, and Matt Moore have come together to help continue this feeling of bliss by presenting a combined $15,000 Challenge. So, what does this mean? Every donation from now through December 31, 2023 will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $15,000. Your contribution to Blissfest Music Organization will be doubled!

Thank you for helping Blissfest Music Organization meet a generous $15,000 Challenge to support music, culture, and performance in our community. Blissfest Music Organization is a Michigan non-profit corporation with Federal 501(c)(3) non-profit status. Tax ID #38-2848866

Blissfest Music organization impacted a musician's journey from festival attendee to main stage performer! 

People like you are the heartbeat of Blissfest Music Organization and the reason for life-changing experiences like Meredith Krygowski’s story, a beautiful example of what happens when we share experiences, learn from each other, and support one another. From a young festival attendee to Main Stage performer, Meredith shares her Blissfest experience in her words…

“As a young person, having a place to explore, create, and discover was invaluable. Summer after summer, I got lost in joy and inspiration at Blissfest, saving my money to buy CDs from the merch booth… Years and years later, I met my husband Adrian, he and I started a band, Adrian+Meredith. Today, we tour about 100+ shows annually throughout the United States and Europe. So much of what we do is inspired by the bands I grew up watching, its energy and joy, and the goal to build community through music…”

In 2023, 15 years after her first Blissfest experience, Meredith performed on the Main Stage!

Meredith as a festival attendee in '08
Adrian+Meredith perform on Main Stage '23
Meredith met her hero Eileen Ivers at Bliss