Code of Conduct

BOARD and GENERAL (0005) - Code of Conduct for Board Members, Staff and Volunteers 

Purpose: Due to the size and complexity of the Blissfest Music Organization (BMO), it is  necessary to have an established code of conduct for Board members, Staff and all other  volunteers in order for peers and patrons to know what to expect in terms of behavior and give  the organization a standard by which to gauge it. 


  1. Fellow Board members, staff, volunteers and patrons shall be treated with respect and  courtesy at all times.
  2. Board Members, Staff and Coordinators should be aware at all times that they are  representatives of the BMO to the general public and should conduct themselves in a  manner respectful the BMO. 
  3. Blissfest security personnel are to be called in for any condition that has the potential  for becoming violent or is unsafe. Violations of current protocols, as outlined in the  BMO Volunteer Training Manual, are unacceptable. It is important to emphasize here,  as well as in the training manual that any incident involving injury, damage to property,  accident, verbal or physical confrontation or other threatening behavior is to be  documented using the current BMO Incident Report. 
  4. Volunteers are expected to report for work on time so that others are able to go off  duty. If this is impossible, he/she is expected to contact his/her coordinator as soon as  possible so that a replacement can be found. If a replacement cannot be found, the  volunteer is still responsible to fill the assigned position. Volunteers that do not fulfill  their responsibility may be deleted from the volunteer list by their coordinator for the  balance of the festival and will not receive credit towards their ticket refund. Appeals  may be made using the Grievance Process. While on duty at the Festival, Board  meetings or any other public BMO function, Board Members, Staff, Coordinators or  Volunteers shall not be intoxicated or operating under any altered state of  consciousness that would impair their judgment or ability to work in a safe, efficient and  polite manner. Persons unfit for duty may be either temporarily or permanently  dismissed by their coordinator, supervisor or Executive Director. Appeals may be made  using the Grievance Process.
  5. No one is allowed on the property without authorization by the Executive Director,  Board of Directors or its authorized committees. Tenants may have access to the  property adjacent to their rental units, however, any alterations, gatherings (outside of  the allocated space as defined by the lease); hunting on festival property may be done  only by permission of the Executive Director or the Board of Directors. 
  6. No unauthorized alterations to BMO property are allowed. This includes buildings,  vegetation or equipment. Authorization for alterations is done only through the BMO  Board of Directors, its Executive Director or its authorized committees. Prior to making  any alterations in an area, volunteers need to consult with their coordinator, who, in  turn, consults with a Supervisor, appropriate committee or Executive Director. If there is  immediate disagreement among co-coordinators or between a coordinator and their  respective supervisor or committee, they should consult with the Executive Director to  work out a compromise. 
  7. All equipment is to be operated in a safe, responsible manner and returned to the tool  crib after use. No unauthorized motor vehicles are allowed on BMO property (Board and  General Policy #3003). 
  8. Conflicts arising from the implementation of this code of conduct shall be dealt with  using the Blissfest Grievance Procedure. (Board and General Policy #006). 
Guidelines: People not willing to abide by these rules or any other Board-approved policy,  should not volunteer in any capacity. Violations of these rules or other Board-approved policy  or procedure may trigger the BMO Grievance Process and result in censure, suspension or other  solution/s proposed by the Board, its authorized representative or authorized committee.

🎵 Attention Musical Artists! 🎤

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